Air France-KLM Group: a major socio-economic contributor to France and the Netherlands
Source: Castéran Study / Mines-Télécom Business School study conducted in 2024 on the socio-economic contribution of the Air France-KLM Group in France and the Netherlands.
As the leading presence at French and Dutch airports, and by ensuring a true network that connects different regions, the Air France-KLM Group makes a major economic and social contribution to the national and regional territories in France and the Netherlands.
As the leading presence at French and Dutch airports, and by ensuring a true network that connects different regions, the Air France-KLM Group makes a major economic and social contribution to the national and regional territories in France and the Netherlands.
In 2023, the Group contributed 1.9% of French GDP and 2.3% of Dutch GDP.
In addition, each year, the Air France-KLM Group contributes more than €6.5 billion in tax revenues to both countries (€4.595 billion in France and €1.951 billion in the Netherlands).
€71 billion
in average contributions to the French and Dutch economies
€6.5+ billion
in taxes and fees paid in France and the Netherlands
direct, indirect, and induced jobs generated by the activities of the Air France-KLM Group

A major economic impact on national economies
The Air France-KLM Group's activities have a major impact on local economies, in terms of employment, contributions to GDP and the development of local economic activity.
The Group supports the economic dynamism of all French and Dutch regions. In 2023, the Group made over €8.7 billion in purchases in France and the Netherlands, contributing directly to the economies of both countries and supporting the expertise of local businesses.
For every euro invested, the Air France-KLM Group generates €3.6 in the French economy and €3.4 in the Dutch economy.
The Air France-KLM Group's activity benefits all regions in France and the Netherlands, including those not directly served by the Group's air routes. The average total impact of the Air France-KLM Group is estimated at €723 per year per inhabitant in France, and €1,228 per year per inhabitant in the Netherlands.
Detailed figures for France
Detailed figures for The Netherlands
A driving force for employment in France and the Netherlands
Air France-KLM’s impact is also characterized by its strong contribution to the creation of skilled jobs that cannot be relocated.

In 2022 and 2023, the various entities of the Air France-KLM Group recruited 4,000 and then 5,000 permanent staff, especially pilots, flight attendants and mechanics. This dynamic will continue in 2024, particularly for pilots and aircraft maintenance activities.
The impact study estimated that 552,570 jobs in France and 267,996 jobs in the Netherlands depended on Air France-KLM's activity, equivalent to the population of Lyon for France and Eindhoven for the Netherlands.
These jobs are both:
- direct jobs, meaning employees who work directly for the Air France-KLM Group (around 46,000 in France and 26,000 in the Netherlands),
- indirect jobs in related sectors such as suppliers, subcontractors, and service providers,
- jobs induced by the Group's activity, for example in tourism.
1 job
created at Air France-KLM generates
jobs in the French economy
1 job
created at Air France-KLM generates
jobs in Dutch economy
These jobs support the local economy in France and the Netherlands.
The Group is also particularly active in supporting access to employment for young people, through work-study programs and support for associations that promote inclusion.
The Air France-KLM Group also contributes to developing the expertise of its employees. In 2023, Group employees completed more than 3 million hours of training.